5G, the engine to change the world
1st 5G Algorithm Innovation Competition by the InnovateAsia FPGA Design Contest

Just like how 2G changed voice calls and 4G changed the internet, 5G is going to raise the third digital wave! Sweeping all over the world, 5G is going to bring the mobile broadband across varied vertical industry segments and enable the concept of Internet-of-Things for real! 5G is not just about the next generation of mobile technology, it is also the foundation to build the future digital world. In the 5G world, mobile internet, cloud computing, big data and smart terminals will continuously interact with each other, resulting in a harmoniously converged ICT society. 5G is the engine to change the world. Get prepared, it is coming!


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Bulletin Board


Huawei's Vision for 5G

Tong Wen, Huawei Fellow, Wireless CTO, IEEE Fellow

Francis Chow, Altera' vice president and general manager of communication business unit

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Competition Schedules


  • Altera University Program
  • Xidian University
  • Terasic Inc.


  • Huawei
  • Intel
  • Spreadtrum